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Scale a solid part

You can create a guide curve loft by using two or more profiles and one or more guide curves to connect the profiles. The profiles can be either planar or non-planar. The guide curves help you control the intermediate profiles that are generated.
To create a loft using guide curves and non-planar profiles:
Use a split line to create a non-planar profile on a model face.
Sketch one or more guide curves.
Add relations between the profiles and guide curves:
Pierce relations between the guide curves and vertices, user-defined sketch points, or both, on the profiles.
Coincident relations between vertices, user-defined sketch points, or both, of the guide curves and the profiles.

Click one of the following:
Loft on the Features toolbar or Insert, Boss/Base, Loft
In the PropertyManager:
Select the profiles to loft in the graphics area for Profiles .
Set the PropertyManager options.
Click OK .

To scale a solid model:
In a part document, click Scale on the Features toolbar or click Insert, Features, Scale.
In the PropertyManager, under Scale Parameters:
Select one of these items in Scale About for the entity about which to scale the model:
Coordinate System . Select a coordinate system in the FeatureManager design tree.
Solid and Surface or Graphics Bodies to Scale (Multibody parts only). Select the bodies to scale.
Do one of the following to set the scaling type and scaling factor:
Select Uniform scaling and set Scale Factor.
Clear Uniform scaling and set individual values for the X Scale Factor, Y Scale Factor, and Z Scale Factor.
Click OK .